
Paper Quilling Tutorial for Beginners

Paper quilling is an enjoyable way to create whimsical novelties or masterful works of art. You can quickly curlicue upwards a greeting card or spend hundreds of hours manipulating pieces of paper into intricate paper mosaics or sculpture. How you lot use the craft and what yous make is actually up to you and how much time you want to spend (and perhaps how much patience you have), but the overall concept e'er begins with the same affair: rolled paper shapes. Keep reading to learn more than well-nigh how to make some unproblematic quilling shapes.

Paper Quilling Tutorial

Images via Little Circles

Permit'due south look at basic shapes in this newspaper quilling tutorial.


Quilling is a very inexpensive craft to learn. For this paper quilling tutorial, y'all will demand the following:

  • A slotted quilling tool
  • Quilling glue in a needle-tip canteen
  • Scissors
  • Package of quilling newspaper strips
  • Tweezers

For beginners, I recommend using one/4″ wide quilling newspaper. The wider width gives you lot more to grip and it is easier to manipulate. In one case you take the shapes mastered, you volition find it much easier to quill with narrower strips if you wish. Cut the strips 8.v″ long for the purposes of this tutorial.

quilling supplies

How to make open and closed coils

Uncomplicated circles are the beginning shapes you'll learn, as they are the base of operations for most other shapes you lot'll create.

How to quill

Step one:

To brainstorm, insert a piece of quilling newspaper into the slot of your quilling tool. Try to get the edge of the paper and the edge of the slot to line up every bit perfectly as you can. Using a slotted tool will naturally leave a modest crimp in the centre of your coil, but if you permit the paper to hang over the edge of the tool, the crimp volition be much more visible.

qulling coil

Stride 2:

Curlicue the tool with your dominant hand either towards your body or away from it; whichever feels most comfortable to you. Hold the strip taught with your other mitt.

glue closed coil

Pace iii:

To brand a closed coil, as you most the end of the strip, place a pocket-sized amount of glue near the end of the strip and coil to complete. When you remove it from the tool, do non allow information technology to expand — that's what keeps it tight.

open coil

To make an open coil, remove the roll from the tool and allow the gyre to expand. Once information technology has fully expanded, add the dab of mucilage and printing the strip downwards advisedly to secure.

open coils multiple open coils multiple

How to make a quilled teardrop

Teardrop 1

Place an open coil between your thumb and forefinger of your non-ascendant hand. Arrange the within coils evenly or as you wish them to appear in the finished shape.

teardrop 2

With your dominant mitt, pinch the paper where y'all desire the point to be to create a teardrop shape.

teardrop shape

Teardrop variations

In addition to creating basic shapes, there are often more means you can dispense your newspaper to create secondary shapes. The teardrop is an excellent instance of this.

Slight curve tear drop

By slightly curving the teardrop around your thumb as you shape it, yous tin create a subtle shift in shape without compromising the center coils. To farther this effect, you can wrap the teardrop around your quilling tool or another cylindrical object.

curved teardrop

Pressing the shape around your quilling tool allows for a more obvious curved shape throughout. From hither, you tin can hands create a paisley shape.

paisley shape

Yous tin can gyre the shape from the point to the base past but rolling it between your fingers. Unproblematic changes bring a lot of varied furnishings.

teardrop variations

How to make a quilled marquis

green marquis

You can create a marquis shape by offset making a teardrop shape and then pinching the opposite cease as well.


The marquis' final shape is adamant by how much the gyre is pinched or pressed together and where y'all place the centre of the coil. Play effectually with various placements and pressure to create multiple versions of this basic quilled shape.


How to quill a tulip shape

To create a tulip shape, begin by first rolling a marquis. Turn the shape on its side and pinch a center superlative with your fingers.

tulip shape

How to quill a slug shape

slug shape

This slug shape is another shape that begins with a marquis. Information technology tin be created past either wrapping 1 end effectually the tip of your finger or a quilling tool and then doing the aforementioned to the other end only in the opposite direction.

slug shape

How to make a quilled square or diamond

quilled diamond

To brand a diamond or a foursquare, first demand to create a basic marquis shape. After shaping, rotate the marquis 90 degrees and then pinch both sides again. This volition create a diamond shape. If you desire to continue on to making a square, gently open up the shape betwixt your fingers to consummate.

quilled square

Square variations

Playing around with how much of each corner you chose to pinch when creating your square can requite y'all very dissimilar results.

  • The example on the left side of the motion picture beneath shows how only applying force per unit area to the outside corners will give you a square with a rounded center.
  • The centre square was made by completely pressing the open curl together on one side, opening it up then pinching just the corners on the opposite side.
  • The final square on the correct got its unique heart by completely pressing down the coil on both turns.

Yet some other variation tin can be fabricated to the square shape by applying pressure to the outside structure with the utilize of your fingers or the stem of your quilling tool.

Square variations

How to brand a quilled rectangle

quilled rectangle

Rectangles and squares are made very similarly. The divergence is in how much you rotate the marquis shape before pinching boosted angles. Rotate it only slightly earlier pinching and so open the shape to reveal the perfect rectangle.


Rectangle variations

quadrilateral shape

Alternately, yous tin can create a quadrilateral shape by making your four corners at uneven intervals. This shape is specially useful when making quilled newspaper mosaics and you detect yourself needing to make full in an odd infinite.

quadrilateral shape

How to quill a semi-circumvolve

semi circle

A semi-circumvolve is created by taking an open coil and pinching two corners while leaving the paper above them round. This shape can alternatively be made by pressing an open curlicue onto a difficult surface like a table top and sliding your fingers downwards the sides carefully. Endeavor both methods to discover which suits you all-time.

half moon shape

Curving the straight edge of the shape volition permit you to turn the semi-circle into more of a crescent moon shape.

half moon shape

How to quill a triangle


Make a quilled triangle by first creating a teardrop shape. From this position, yous can either pinch 2 boosted angles using your fingers or employ the table top method. Once again, try both to run across what works best for you.


Triangle variation

shark fin

You tin can create a shape that resembles a shark fin by pressing in 2 sides of your triangle and leaving the third side flat.

two triangles

How to quill an arrow

Arrow 1

Create this shape by beginning making a teardrop. Pull the center down towards the base and agree in place with your fingers.

arrow 2

Using the long side of the slotted needle, press down deeply into the base of operations. Release the tool and smoothen the bend out with your fingers to shape.

Arrow 3

How to quill an arrowhead

Arrowhead 1

This shape likewise begins with a teardrop shape. Hold the pointed end in your non-dominant hand and pinch the base end into a tight point. Without letting become, slide your fingers down to meet the fingers of your opposite paw to create the side angles.

arrowhead 2

Heart quilling instructions

heart 1

Once once again, brainstorm with a teardrop. Press in the base of operations of the shape past using the betoken of your quilling tool to make a small-scale indentation. Release the tool and carefully printing in each side of the centre to complete the center crease.

heart 2

Pentagon and star quilling tutorial


To brand a pentagon, first create an elongated semi-circle as shown.

pentagon 2

Compression the center of the flat side in the aforementioned method used when making the tulip shape; this is the peak of your pentagon. Keeping the elevation in the center, square off the bottom with ii equal pinches on either side.

pentagon 3

To turn the pentagon into a star, simply press in on each flat surface with your fingers or a quilling tool and and then farther refine each angle into peaks.


Quilling a holly leaf

This shape is far and away the almost hard to create and has rightfully been saved for last. I suggest getting very comfortable with the making of all of the other shapes before attempting this ane for sanity's sake.

holly leaf 1

Begin by making a marquis. Insert a fix of tweezers into the shape; endeavour to grip simply near a third of the inside coil.

holly leaf 2

Keeping the grip with your tweezers, plow the marquis as needed and compression a small point on either side of each superlative.

Alternatively, the holly leaf can be made by first making a foursquare, adding a point to each terminate and so shaping all of the angles into peaks. I personally accept establish the tweezer method to exist easier, but exist sure to try both means to find which gives y'all better results.

holly leaf 3

With a bit of patience and a little practice, you lot volition soon have all these basic quilling shapes mastered. Once comfy, you will easily be able to accept on any quilling projection your artistic centre desires to make. Happy rolling!

Quilled Shapes


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